"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."
Proverbs 22:6

Sunday School
Start Time: 9:15am
Kids learn the big story of the Bible, memorize verses, and enjoy engaging games and crafts.

Children's Church
Start Time: 10:30am
This is an option for parents. Service held in room 146.
Kids will learn a biblical lesson.
Kids will learn a biblical lesson.

Bible Buddies & Bible Drill (During the School Year)
Bible Buddies: K - 3rd grade. (6-7pm)
Bible Drill: 4th - 6th grade. (5-7pm)
Bible Drill: 4th - 6th grade. (5-7pm)

Children's Choir & Handbells
K - 6th grade
Time: 5pm
Time: 5pm
Handbells 2nd & 4th Sunday
Time: 4 - 5pm
Time: 4 - 5pm
Childcare is offered during each of our services and Sunday School times.