Broadway Baptist Church

The Darkness in the Garden

Jan 14, 2024    Dr. Tony Collins

The Apostle John now moves to the final section of his gospel. We often refer to this section as the “passion narrative.” It contains the final hours in the life of our Lord as described in the close of all four gospel writers.

Gaps or Gap? While we do not know the exact date for the writing of the four gospels, most conservative scholars would agree that John is writing his gospel after the writing of the other three.

There are many concerning the life and ministry of Jesus that John did not include, and here in the opening of the passion narrative we see a striking example. John has no mention of the agonizing prayer of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, along with Judas’ kiss of betrayal, Simon of Cyrene carrying the cross of Jesus, and several of Jesus’ statements from the cross.

Is this a problem? Or should this be expected? Does John leave gaps in the story or does John fill the gaps?