The Unshakable Kingdom of God
Jul 25, 2021 • Dr. Tony Collins • Hebrews 12:18-29
The writer of Hebrews closes this chapter with one more “therefore” in verse 28. He reminds his readers that they are a part of an unshakable kingdom, the kingdom of God. When you recognize the context facing the early Hebrew believers, it is not dissimilar to our context.
Everything around us is shaken, unstable, ever in flux, but the things of God’s kingdom are immoveable, steadfast, and unshaken! Why would we ever think of abandoning that which is secure and settled for that which is uncertain and ever-changing? The author is urging his readers to endure and persevere to the end, for Christ is greater than the things of this world.
Mount Zion is greater than Mount Sinai! Grace is superior to the law!